
Startup Advisory Committee

Considering the ongoing efforts by GUSEC and AIC GUSEC, Startup Advisory Committee has been formed to strengthen the benefits and support provided to startups and innovators.

The objective behind this committee is to discuss the ongoing startup support system as well as provide suggestions on how to make a robust startup support system for the startup founders’ community.

The members to the Advisory Committee consists of below startup founders along with key members of GUSEC and AIC GUSEC

Mr. Aagam Shah

Founder, Plushvie Pvt Ltd

Ms.Bindi Patel

Founder, ECOrrect Pvt Ltd

Mr. Jaskirat Singh

Chief Business Officer, Terra Food Co.

Mr. Keyur Bhalavat

Founder, Plutomen ARMS

Mr. Pritesh Bhatiya

Founder, Contra Farms LLP

Mr. Shashank Nimkar

Founder, Earth Tatva

Mr. Shubham Shah

Founder, Edith Robotics Solutions LLP

Mr. Vikram Parekh

Founder, Reflion Tech Pvt Ltd

Dhruv Ramaiya

Founder, IEIDidactics LLP

Kanishka Patel

Founder, WeHear LLP

Shikha Shah

Founder, AltMat Private Limited