XR Startup

A program to discover, nurture, and accelerate
XR technology startups across India.

Implementation partner

Grand Challenge - Education, Learning and Skills

The Grand Challenge is aimed at supporting early-stage innovators to upscale from the R&D phase to developing workable prototypes and Minimum Viable Products (MVPs) for the Education, Learning and Skills sector. 20 shortlisted innovators will be invited to attend a 2-week bootcamp. Of the 20 innovators, 4 will be supported in development of MVP(s)/ prototypes. The Grand Challenge is a part of the XR Startup Program, a collaboration between Meta and MeitY Startup Hub, and will be run and managed by Gujarat University Startup and Entrepreneurship Council (GUSEC).

Applications are now closed

Meet the XR Startups & Innovators

  • Autovid.ai
  • Myracle.io
  • Ixrlabs Learning Solutions Pvt Ltd
  • Stempedia
  • Aaharan Edusmart Pvt. Ltd.
  • Gunagya
  • Turnhere Aviation Pvt. Ltd.
  • Neeraj Verma
  • Irusu Technologies Pvt Ltd
  • Botclub Private Limited
  • Skilledset
  • Maventra Learning Solutions
  • Trium Designs Pvt. Ltd.
  • Dimensions
  • Maarg
  • Medaaverse (AR Village Technologies Private Limited)
  • Raj Gohilmetaschool
  • Buone
  • Kommon School
  • Aditya Sai Kumar
Problem statements

The applications should propose ideas or solutions that leverage XR technologies to :

  • To improve the delivery and availability of learning, skilling and education opportunities in remote areas
  • To solve the issue of limited learning due to the lack of essential learning equipment such as lab apparatus, hands-on learning tools among others
  • To balance out the student-teacher ratio and ensure presence of appropriate educational resources such as equipment and resource professionals
  • To further vernacular learning and make advanced content in local languages available
  • To use XR technologies to create better learning experiences that helps improve the gross enrolment ratio and decrease drop out rates amongst school-going children
  • To improve the delivery of education
  • To improve administrative processes such as assessment, testing and proctoring amongst academicians, thus making grading systems swifter
  • To equip the youth with relevant skills to make them more employable
  • To deliver improved learning and skilling experiences for people with special needs

Benefits of the Program

1. Top 20 shortlisted innovators will receive the following benefits:

Opportunity to attend the bootcamp

Shortlist grant of ₹ 50,000 on successful completion of the bootcamp

2. Top 4 innovators out of the bootcamp will receive the following benefits:

Grant of ₹ 20,00,000 to be utilized solely for conversion of solution/ idea/ proof of concept to MVP/ prototype

Mentorship by industry experts and researchers

Access to a network of potential strategic partners and investors

Opportunity to participate and present at demo days and various industry events

Access to technology and infrastructure support


  • Students studying at a university in India
  • Entrepreneurs, working professionals, faculty or researchers based in India
  • Aspiring Indian startups at the ideation stage or at pre-MVP/ prototype stage

Key target outcomes

  • Development of workable MVP(s)/ prototypes
  • Partnership/ customer connects
  • Investor introductions

Program timeline

Application Start Date
August 2022
Application End Date
October 2022
Announcement of Top 20 Shortlisted Applicants
January 2023
January 2023
Announcement of Top 4 Final Applicants
February 2023
Commencement of 6-month Program
March 2023
Demo Days
August 2023
Note: Dates/ timelines are subject to change. Kindly check this site regularly for the latest information.


I'm an image

Sanjeeb Behera

Metaverse Evangelist & XR Lead based in Berlin, Germany

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Ankit Sahni

Intellectual Property & Technology Lawyer

I'm an image

Achyut Chandra

Manager & Lead (Open Innovation)

HCL Technologies

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Anant Saurabh

AVP – Digital Consulting,

Tata Technologies

I'm an image

Abhinav Khare

Head, Technology Venturing and Ecosystem Innovation, HCL Technologies Ltd.

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Ravisankar Venkatachalam

Vice President & Global Lead - Consumer Hi-Tech, HCL Technologies

Amit Rajput

Amit Rajput

Managing Director- Digital Transformation office, PwC

Knowledge partners

Frequently Asked Questions

Eligible innovators can click here to submit the application form. They will need to provide information such as the description of solution/ idea/ proof of concept, how it addresses problem statements among other things. For reference, a copy of the application form can be downloaded from here Applicants can submit only 1 application.

Innovators working on Extended Reality (XR) technologies in the gaming and entertainment sector and who fulfill the eligibility criteria mentioned above and detailed in the program terms and conditions available here may apply. All finalists (whether individual or startups) will be required to pursue their solution/ idea with full dedication and commitment, and form a business entity for developing and marketing their solution/ idea before the conclusion of the program.

The terms and conditions of the Grand Challenge can be found here.

GUSEC will establish a 3-member panel to evaluate and shortlist the applications. The applications will then be discussed with the steering committee established by Meta in collaboration with MSH. The shortlisted applicants will be informed by GUSEC.

The selection will be based on the following criteria:

  • Alignment of the proposed solution with the problem statement
  • Uniqueness, originality and innovativeness of the proposed solution
  • Effectiveness and practicability of the proposed solution
  • Potential of the proposed solution to become a business opportunity at scale

In the event of a tie in the selection, the application with the highest score in the uniqueness, originality, and innovativeness of the proposed solution criterion will be considered.

20 innovators will be selected for the bootcamp. During the bootcamp, they will be required to pitch their proposal/ solution and will receive the shortlist grant. 4 innovators will be selected out of the bootcamp and provided with the program benefits mentioned above. To avail the benefits, the innovators must attend, participate, and complete the 6-month program.

The bootcamp will help the top 20 shortlisted innovators assess their ideas, evaluate market opportunity, establish unique value propositions, and hone an initial startup business plan. After completing the bootcamp, the shortlisted innovators will have to pitch their idea/ solution to the panel formed by GUSEC. The bootcamp will help shortlisted innovators make a Go/ No-Go decision about their startup ideas.

Individuals may participate collectively in a group of up to 4. Individuals may only participate 1 time in the program as an individual/ part of a team/ employee of a startup. Requirements set forth in T&Cs are applicable to each individual member of a team. Shortlist grant and program benefits will be given to the individual who applies to the program. For further details, refer to T&Cs.

Depending on your focus area, you can apply to only 1 implementation partner under the XR Startup Program. For further details, refer to T&Cs.

For further information, drop an email to [email protected]

All the program benefits mentioned on this page above shall be made available to the selected startups by GUSEC. For further details, refer to T&Cs


Gujarat University Startup and Entrepreneurship Council (GUSEC) is one of India’s leading startup support systems, which has set an unprecedented benchmark by facilitating startup support at zero-cost. Right in the heart of Gujarat University with an ever-growing infrastructure & having supported 400+ innovative tech and non-tech startups, GUSEC has played a pivotal role in shaping and nurturing the startup ecosystem in Gujarat.

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Phone - +91 8896 262 262
Hours of contact - 11:00 AM - 6:00PM